I met my beautiful wife Lore in Bible college over 40 years ago. After we finished school we got married and started our lives together. We have traveled up and down the east coast following ministry opportunities. We had our first child in New York, and the second in Florida while working at a christian camp & conference center. Our next two children came along while we were youth pastors in West Virginia. We viewed raising our children as our top calling in life. We lived all over, moving within Massachusetts a few times and Connecticut while the kids grew up. We lived in hunting cabins, basement apartments, and beautiful cape cod houses. We were always grateful for what we had and turned it into our home. Leaving every house better than it was when we arrived was our way of showing gratitude and honor for the gift of living there. We also opened our house and hearts to a foster son, who joined our crew for a few years during our time in New England. We also opened our house to many in need for short seasons, my producer for the podcast is one of those people! Seeing all my children serve in the church, love the Lord and grow in their own relationships with Him has been my greatest joy.
Two of my children became very involved in worship, leading at different youth events growing up and now as adults serving in their own local churches on the worship teams. My other two children studied theology and teach the Word and counsel their local church body. All of my kids have chosen amazing life partners and have their own families now and have moved all over the states. A few of my children are in Michigan. Another is in upstate New York and another in Central Texas. Not too surprising as they all grew up moving so often- they’re not afraid to go to new places!
I now have 10 beautiful grandchildren! Seven boys and three girls, ages range from ten to two years old. They all call me “Bob-Bob” , a name my oldest granddaughter chose for me and it was perfect. I have had the wonderful opportunity to be close to my grandchildren for a portion of their lives growing up. Most of them were all within a short driving distance of us when we were in Massachusetts for a few years.
We are beyond blessed by our children, our grandchildren and to see our family grow. There's a lot to be thankful for and family has always been a top priority for us. A huge motivation for my podcast was to tell bible stories that all my grandchildren and great grandchildren and generations to come could hear.
My Journey
My walk with the Lord started at a very young age. My mother and father loved the Lord and I admired their love for Him. I had the privilege of attending a christian boarding high school and then went to a bible college to finish my education. I was raised in a conservative fundamentalist mindset. I knew how to argue that my points were right and any opposing ideas were wrong. One of the good things I got from that experience was a passion for the Word of God and the biblical narrative. I was dedicated to understanding the Word and knowing it by heart. I am so thankful that God can use any beginning, even with the wrong motive, for His Glory. I struggled as a young adult and then well into my adult years with believing I was stupid. I had a hard time with spelling, grammar, language and math. All the while I loved to read, I loved literature, poems, songs, stories and the history behind it all. I didn’t score well on tests, so I believed I must be stupid.
But God is so good, He redeems and the story doesn't stop there. God has always spoken to me through my dreams. I have had very powerful, prophetic dreams and even though I wouldn’t have called them that, I knew God was speaking to me. When I worked at the Christian camp in Massachusetts, I worked with believers who also had prophetic dreams. They had the understanding of the prophetic I didn’t and I found myself hungry for more of the understanding they had. This pursuit led me away from the conservative fundamentalism and more into that sweet spot of “I don't know anymore.” I took my family with me on this journey and we tried some new churches along the way. I’m so grateful for all the people God put along my path during this journey. All of them lead me to the freedom I now have in the Lord. At just the right time, like only God can do, we moved from the christian camp to another youth pastor position at a church in Connecticut. They came from the same background we were from, but as a church, were pursuing the same freedom we were as a family. That church body served my family well in our own personal transition from conservative christian values to freedom in a walk with Jesus.
Seasons changed, and as I have come to find, most churches are not immune to the social and business politics and I moved on to an even freer church to be a part of. At this point all of my children had grown and moved out of the house, even started their own families. So I got to be in an environment that let me explore the boundaries of freedom in love with God. I couldn’t be more thankful for the opportunity, as a leader in ministry, to have that kind of openness. It is a rare thing that I don’t take lightly. God then started to nudge me and my wife to an Abraham type season. We felt the call to go, with no destination. We sold most everything and moved into an RV. Now we’re on the road and looking for where we are meant to settle.
My Interests
Over the years, I find my interests are quite eclectic and wide range.I really enjoy stories in every medium. Finding the symbolism in art movies or music, or reading books, watching documentaries or hearing a story from a friend. Over the years I have watched a lot of shows, movies and series from all kinds of genres. I find I don't care much about the genre as long as the story is well told! One of my favorite gifts are movie tickets. Reading is another special interest of mine, I do love a good book, again genres range all over the place- just a well told story is all it takes for me.
I like to “puttz around” the yard, mow the lawn, have a fire pit going, friends over at the pool or find my wife's favorite flower and cut a bunch of them down off the side of the road. I enjoy all things heat related, hot tubs, fires both inside and outside, hot summer days, and just being in the sun.
I also enjoy a good cardio focused workout, running has always been a joy for me , but a good stairmaster session is another personal favorite. I have been very athletic most of my life, if I’m not running, I’m swimming or running up stairs.
I love coffee, coke, sweet-tea and rum for my favorite beverages. I love desserts, bread pudding, banana pudding and slightly melted ice cream with whatever toppings I can find. I do love good food, I have grown in my love for asian cuisine after visiting China and having a vietnamese son-in-law cook for me. But my first and top favorite cuisine is southern soul food. I will always love sweet-ice tea and BBQ style foods. I am famous for making sweet, buttery pancakes and dense creamy mac-n-cheese.
I have been known to love naps, especially a Sunday afternoon nap. I love to watch Nascar while I nap because as a boy I used to go to the races and fall asleep on the bleachers. I do have a love for sports, I enjoy watching Swimming, Football, Soccer, and Nascar. I have played all but football in my youth and I would coach these teams for my children growing up. The wonderful thing about serving in ministry is having that time to be a part of those chapters of my children’s lives.
I really love music, a good rhythm is something that instantly brings me joy. That’s why I have drums as my intro to the podcast.I was a part of a small hand percussion group (a Brazilian Batteria) for a short season of my life that has exploded my interest in music. I love worship music that has powerful vocals, drums and is overall- loud. Maybe it’s because I had to endure soft spoken choir lead hymns for so long. Dancing is another thing that I love to do, though I wouldn’t dare to say I’m a good dancer. I have a good time on a dance floor at a wedding or simply dancing before the Lord during worship.
Family and the art of communication are another interest of mine. I do really help people find the root of their feelings, thoughts and desires they’re trying to communicate. I have counseled many couples, families and individuals over the years of ministry and it has always been a highlight to the job.
What I’m Known For
I am known for my story telling. While I was a part of the christian camp in Massachusetts, I started telling bible stories every morning during chapel and became quite famous, in that small world, for it. I also told stories to my children before bed, making up stories for them where they were the main characters and they worked together to defeat evil. I now have my storytelling podcast, and will tell stories the rest of my life.
I’m known for my love of Coca Cola products. I loved coke back in college, I drank so much of it my sweat was the same color as the beverage. But it somehow became a collection for me as people in my life would see a coke bottle and pick it up for me. I displayed coke products from all over the world in my offices for years and it just made that collection continue to grow. I decorated my daughter's wedding with my coke collection!
I’m known for my optimism. It drives my family a little crazy at times, as I refuse to see the glass half empty. I simply see the good in it all, always, all the time. It has been a huge part of my ministry, to encourage others, help them see the good and believe the best is yet to come.
I am known for dream interpretation. Between my love for stories, symbols and narratives, and my own personal prophetic dreams - I have found a lot of joy in untangling the meanings of peoples dreams for them. As I said above, part of my journey out of conservative religion was those prophetic dreams. And now I have a large pool of friends who call me with prophetic dreams to interpret on a regular basis. Have a prophetic dream dream- give me a call!
I love to give hugs, laugh and smile. Being joyful is a strength and I choose joy in every moment.
To see more of my life, family and wide range of interests, follow me on my instagram or facebook!
Left - Right:
Stephen & Kayla, Luana, Thoren, Raelyn and Jonah
Liza & Isaiah, Silas, Zane and Owen
Bob & Lore, and Niesje
Ester & Luke, Zadok, and Emet
Mitch & Anna